Baltimore Reader

Fun books and things to do around Baltimore

Happy Reading Season


I know this blog post has been long overdue. As much as I like telling everyone about reading, it seems that actually reading with my favorite kids has been taking up most of my time. Thank you again for letting me be your book lady!

One of my favorite finds for enjoying books together is Story Line Online. If the link does not work, look up Story Line Online. It has really fun books read aloud and it is brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild. A personal favorite is When Pigasso met Mootise. I tried to have the kids just hear the story, and look at my phone for a second, but was overruled by book lovers having fun. Actually, I was fine with that.

And I love having great books on hand during this season of reading. Cozy holiday books, book fairs, tired shoppers and a just right story to settle them down. I love the idea of wrapping books as an advent calendar to be unwrapped and enjoyed from December 1 to 25, but am most excited to bring back favorites, wrapped or unwrapped.

This is also a busy season for me as a book lady, which means that I get to share favorite books with favorite kids. Most of all, I want to wish everyone a happy reading season. Enjoy all the holidays, and then enjoy the chance to snuggle in as a family and savor the seaon together.

Happy Reading! :) Trish